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8 Things That Apple Needs To Learn From Samsung To Make iPhone Better

8 Things That Apple Needs To Learn From Samsung To Make iPhone Better

aaple 8 Things That Apple Needs To Learn From Samsung To Make iPhone Better

Samsung has emerged as a household name in the past decade and now it’s preparing to launch its new Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. Until last year, they had been outselling Apple by three-to-one and at the same time making more profit than them.

On 21st April they plan to start the early sale for their new giant and a general release comes out a week later. This will definitely put Jony Ive and his California team back to work.

Their new model comes out in September, which happens to be on their 10th anniversary, with a design expected to break the current monotony.  And they definitely need to do something about it.

Here are eight things that Apple needs to do to fight back against Samsung Galaxy S8

New Design

Apple has been known to value its design and form as much and even more, at times, than functions, but following a similar design pattern with minor changes for more than three years has affected their impact.

Shifting from the angular and a strong looking design of the iPhone5 to a much more delicate look of the iPhone6 and introducing design elements like a thin white line and a bulky camera just to make the body thinner cannot compensate for their inability to make a better camera with lesser bulk.

Not only this but carrying forward the same design for iPhone7 and iPhone7 Plus has been the greatest disappointment.

The tiny screen bezels of the Galaxy S8 and LG G6 are the current fashion trends and we would like to see how the new iPhone deals with this demand.

Large curved screen

Samsung is coming up with an infinity screen of 5.5 for the S8 and 6.2 for the S8+ which has added up its attraction list. The screen curves around its body, providing us with a bigger screen in a smaller body, which makes the phone easy to use.

While others are trying to use the sides of their phone as a screen and make the screen size bigger, iPhone has been wasting a lot of space by leaving out margins. Now it’s time for them to give up the bulky bezels and compromise with their home button and try and figure out a space for it within the screen.

Siri makeover

Despite receiving many suggestions from users, Apple still thinks Siri can be limited to just suggesting weather and setting timers.

It has been with us for half a decade now and Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant, and Samsung’s Bixby have already taken over Siri.

This definitely calls for a revolution that Apple with their iPhones has been promising for a long.

Augmented and virtual reality

There is no smoke without fire. Apple boss Tim Cook has expressed his love for augmented and virtual reality and there are rumors that they have even filed patents and hired VR experts.

Google and Samsung are way ahead in the league with their gear and daydream view VR handset. If not in 2017, we surely expect Apple to incorporate this in their release in 2018.

More minimum storage

With an inbuilt storage of 64 GB and a card slot to extend it up to 256 GB, Galaxy S8 has marked its presence. Nobody likes messages, saying your memory is full, the moment you are trying to capture a moment.

Sitting and deleting things before moving forward is beyond frustrating.

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While the 16 GB iPhone rests in peace, 32 GB remains doubtful. Apple has never added a card slot and we doubt that they will do it now. This refrain should push them to shift to 64 GB as the minimum limit.

A camera update

Iphone’s camera has always been appreciated. iPhone 6 gave us a slim body but a bulky camera just made it difficult to lie flat on a tabletop and an unstable back was never appreciated. Providing scratchless glass cannot account for the highly exposed camera.

On the other hand, iPhone7 attracted many customers not just because of its big screen but also because of its dual – lens rear camera, promising better photos. 7+ provided us with a portrait mode, but with it came its inability to blur the surroundings and the ‘ Bokhe’ effect of an SLR  as promised.

The new Samsung S8 does not come up with any major features in the camera, giving the iPhone a chance to change its gear and take some lead.

Wireless charging

This feature has been offered by Samsung for a long time now and Galaxy S8 stands no exception. Their only drawback has been the requirement to keep your phone in a particular way in order to charge.

We have heard that Apple has been working to bring a revolution in the field of wireless charging providing batteries to charge from a distance without placing the phone in a particular manner. Apple’s ability to provide this in their future phones can be a major standout.

Facial recognition

The fingerprint sensor was a great achievement and made the device more convenient. This made handling banking apps much easier, but now is the generation of eye scanners and facial recognition Apple needs to up the game.

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