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Lisen- The Tattoo Model

Lisen- The Tattoo Model

LeMew Mischief Steam09 Lisen- The Tattoo Model

To most of the people, tattoos are just a random sign of someone being a rebel and not-so-conservative. But for some, tattoo(s), define their whole personality and the very essence of their self-being.

I came across Lisen’s profile on Instagram and was quite intrigued by her body full of brilliantly crafted tattoos. And out of curiosity, I sent her an email for a possible interview, to which she duly replied.

Here’s a brief chit-chat with one of the sexiest tattoo models that I have ever seen!

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SV: How old were you when you got your first tattoo and what intrigued you about owning that first piece of ink?
I think I was 18. I was in Airborne School at the time and at that time, beer and tattoos was what we did.

SV: What do you do for a living and how do your co-workers feel about your tattoos?
My co-workers don’t mind them at all. In the businesses I work in, they’re generally acceptable.

SV: Can you give us a rundown of your excellent tattoo collection?
Sure! I’ve got the words Second to None on my upper stomach, sleeved on both arms with candy, ray guns, pin-up girls, I have a My little pony on my shin and a gypsy on the other. I have 6-shooters on my back, two Alice in Wonderland pieces on both sides and a cute octopus and fish on my thigh.

My knuckles and upper knuckles are tattooed and I have little stars on my ears. Hopefully, I covered it all!

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SV: Why Miss Mischief? What led you to this nickname?
One of my friends actually gave that name to me a long time ago and it just sort of fit with my modelling.

SV: You are so well-known for your gorgeous style and of course, your trademark hair. How long have you been wearing it this way?
I’ve had the blue hair for about 5 years. I’m going to be changing it within the next month because this colour is popping up everywhere! It’s time for a change anyway; hopefully, my fans will get on-board.

SR: How long have you been a model?
I’ve been modelling for about 10 years

SR: What has your favourite photo shoot been thus far?
I’ve had so many amazing photo-shoots it’s so hard to say. I love shooting with other models, and love shooting in water, so those styles definitely top my list.

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SR: What modelling projects do you have coming up and where can readers see more of Miss Mischief?
I have several publications coming out shortly, one of my favourites Tattoo’d Lifestyle Magazine. You can find me here:, and/or email

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SR: Do people recognize you often when you are out-and-about?
When I’m in my own element, yes. Tattoo conventions, shows, events like that.

SV: There are many tattoo collectors who have added your pretty face to their skin. How does that make you feel knowing that your image is decorating someone’s body?
It’s kinda cool knowing that someone wants to walk around with my face on them lol

SV: What has being a tattooed woman taught you: about society, yourself, and the idea of beauty?
Beauty comes in all forms. I’ve learned that with all the time people on social media cut down others, they could spend that time lifting other people up and making them feel good. Hopefully, someday people will think about what they say about other people before hitting the enter button.

SV: Do you ever encounter criticism because of your ink? If so, how do you react?
I do. Usually people don’t say it to me directly, they just stare lol. I usually just stare back until they get uncomfortable and look away. Best “in your face” ever lol

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SV: What ink projects do you have coming up, and with which artists?
MM: I have a few projects that I’m working on with Fred Berthel and Robert Kane. They are both amazing tattoo artists.

SV: What are some of your other loves and hobbies?
I like guns, sky diving, trying to skateboard (even though I suck) lol. Quarter sticks are always fun, blowing up random things in my yard, fire breathing, crafting/creating things, writing, singing, oh I could go on and on.

Quick Facts:
One word that b est describes you: Colorful 😉
One word that best describes your tattoo’s: Random
Your favourtire sweat treat: ooo so many. I’d have to say Reeses peanut butter cups.. yummmm

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