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How To Win An Argument From A Woman

How To Win An Argument From A Woman

wo How To Win An Argument From A Woman

Science has reached Mars, technology is almost about to crack AI and like it or not, people have even started to understand the Rajnikant Vs CID jokes better. But one thing that we still can’t understand or fail to; is win an argument from a woman!

While the woman of today is strong, confident, and educated, what she is not and maybe cannot be (pun intended), is being simple and uncomplicated!

Now let’s face one thing, fighting or not fighting doesn’t indicate the doom or no doom of your relationship. However, If you do not know how to argue and make your point across to your ladylike, your relationship can be at stake, at least that’s what we think.

This brings us to making this simpler for all of us and especially for guys who want to stand up to their woman and make their point understood fair and square.

How can you do that?

Listen to her:
Winning an argument from a woman, Relationship advice, Relationship Tips, Couple Therapy, Couple Fights, Couple Argues, Couple Stress, Dating Tips
Once you tone your volume down and give your girl your ear for a while, things get better. It may not guarantee it, but it’s the first step towards the idea – how to win an argument from a woman. All she needs is for you to understand and peacefully hear her out. She may not have greatest of the wisdom, but keeping calm and letting her vent out has actually proved to be one of the best ways to get women at peace.

Once that is achieved; respond! Once she is done being hyper, explain to her your side of the story and you may start to feel that you can win an argument from a woman. She had her moment of talking and now you can have yours. Be calm, make her feel wanted and the ball will never spin the wrong way!

Bring in the logic: Women often let their hearts rule their heads. So in order to make this simpler, you have to prove to her that she is wrong. Give the rationale behind your points; if possible, give her examples attached to your relationships.

Don’t sweat over the past:

Winning an argument from a woman, Relationship advice, Relationship Tips, Couple Therapy, Couple Fights, Couple Argues, Couple Stress, Dating Tips
Women, while in an argument, forget what’s at hand and get diverted into all those mistakes that you have committed in the past. DO NOT let them open that book of records. Stick to the topic at hand!

Remember what the fight is about and why it needs to be resolved and convey the same to her. Getting distracted only makes the process slower and more frustrating. Also, nobody likes to have constant reminders of their past, good, bad, ugly whatever it might be!

A side note:
Winning an argument from a woman, Relationship advice, Relationship Tips, Couple Therapy, Couple Fights, Couple Argues, Couple Stress, Dating Tips
If you find that the topic of argument is changing constantly, then this may not be a good sign, for the actual topic isn’t what you’re arguing about anymore. Go back to rule #1 and rule #2 and try to get what is really saying.

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If you do not have logic behind your blunders then turn the tables. If she is angry on you for not calling her, ask her why she didn’t (but hey, do they actually listen to this ;)). If she is upset with you about not getting you something on her birthday, then ask her why she is so materialistic and can’t just live with the love that you have for her. A woman loves the blame game, so you just play along and get quirky.

Do not underestimate the power of apologizing! Some days, you might just have to quit savaging your ego and accept you are wrong. Digging deeper into your pride by lying more and more (if you are), can just make matters worse.

You could lose a good relationship to a bad fight. Ask yourself if it is worth the risk? If you know you are wrong and fail to make a point then you might as well give in.

Have something to add? Do give your views in the comment box below.

– Meher Sethi

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