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Port Blair Aerial View – Things To Do

Port Blair Aerial View – Things To Do

Port Blair Day 1 Vlog Port Blair Aerial View - Things To Do

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” ~ Helen Keller

Such true words to look upon if you are a traveler isn’t it?

Well, following these, I recently, after a long time, packed my bags for a solo trip to the beautiful islands of Andaman and Nicobar. The idea was to be carefree for a short duration of three days and do some water adventure sports while I was there.

And before you think something in the lines of ‘what’s the big deal here’, let me tell you, that I have once survived almost dying when I did river-rafting in Rishikesh, so me getting back into the water for activities like Sea Kartin, Scuba Diving, and Snorkeling was a huge step-up.

Watch My Aghori Blog Here

Even though I had booked my hotel via MakeMyTrip I decided to cancel it the very morning I was supposed to fly and look for an alternate once I reached.

This is the first video from my trip to Port Blair. Do watch it, subscribe to the channel and yes, do leave your comment too.

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In the next articles, I will write more in detail about my trip while sharing the new videos.

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  • Love the travelling vlogs n eagerly waiting for more videos to come , superb😍😍☺️☺️

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