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Adidas Original – The Olympic Collection

Adidas Original – The Olympic Collection

1 Adidas Original - The Olympic Collection

Blame it to my ignorance or just one more diluted mind in this population of over 100 crores in India, but I have no real interest in the upcoming Olympics that are to be held in The UK – not for unknown reasons.

However, when Adidas original launched their ‘The Olympic Collection’, I had to have a look at it. Let me tell you beforehand that I was not surprised at all seeing the influence of UK’s flag on some of the Tee’s and other garments. After all, you always have to please the bigger devils and the so called patriots to garner larger volume of sales.


Coming back to the collection, this unisex line has a piece for everyone – from a cycler to a swimmer not one for me though.

Though I like bright colors to be inculcated in one’s wardrobe, but this launch by Adidas that takes inspiration from the fashion trends of late 80’s and 90’s looks shady and ungainly by all means. The tights, tees and shoes all have similar pattern of print work used on them thus giving a feel of monotony that could beat even my last girlfriend by miles.

Take a look…



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