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Travel Blog – Pondicherry In Pictures

Travel Blog – Pondicherry In Pictures

I visited Pondicherry last year and was deeply touched by its quiet ambiance and cleanliness. And although we did a post about the place – Pondicherry From Eye of Art – the memories hit me back recently, as I was checking few old pictures in my laptop from my travel days to this serene place.

Here’s sharing some of them with you guys, to have a look at. From Serenity beach to Auro Beach, Keerapalayam to Veerambatinam and last, but not the least; Paradise Beach- the place is just majestic!

I hope you did like the images and it would be great if you leave any feedback in the comment box below. You can also check my Instagram account at for more photography work…. And guys I am not pro, I just use my phone for clicking random images.. so do not keep your hopes high?

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Look forward to hearing from you guys in the comment box below.

Till then -Cheers and have a nice week ahead!

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